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While recovery support services are an established best practice, research is scarce on the efficacy and effectiveness of recovery support, training approaches, and delivery models adjunctive to and independent of treatment. The Peer Recovery Innovation Network (PRIN) was created to build capacity for current and future research.

The Peer Recovery Innovation Network (PRIN) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio was created to help expand the science of recovery by developing a research program on Peer Recovery Support Services (PRSS) and Recovery Support Services (RSS).

PRIN will use multi-stakeholder engagement to advance the field, elevate recovery science, and increase the impact of peer recovery support.

Our Aims

Aim 1: Recovery Science Collaboratory

Establish the Recovery Science Research Collaboratory to include multiple stakeholders, including individuals with lived recovery experience, to accelerate innovation in recovery science.

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Aim 2: Training & Telementoring

Establish the Recovery Science Training and Mentoring program to rapidly expand the recovery science work force.

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Aim 3: Evaluation & Dissemination

Conduct process-, outcome-, and implementation-based evaluations of the Peer Recovery Innovation Network and its initiatives to optimize the impact, efficiency, and effectiveness of PRIN using defined measures.

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Organizational Structure

Our Recovery Science Collaboratory consists of scientists and stakeholders (Aim 1), and a Training and Telementoring Program to translate peer recovery science into practice across the clinical, community, economic, and policy domains (Aim 2).

Aim 3, evaluation of Aims 1 and 2, will ensure continuous quality improvement. Evaluations will systematically assess the impact of PRIN on advancing Peer Recovery Support Services (PRSS) and facilitate the dissemination of knowledge gained.

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Engagement and Coordination with CoARS

The PRIN team supports collaboration with existing and new Consortium on Addiction Recovery Science (CoARS) projects. Our intention is that resources and services available initially to PRIN members are scaled and expanded nationally to other CoARS awardees.

For more information on CoARS, click here.

This project is funded by the Helping to End Addiction Long-term® Initiative, or NIH HEAL Initiative®.

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